Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 19 and 20: Laughter Comes and Laughter Goes

Lately, I haven't been able to sleep. My brain has been like a hamster in a wheel. Spinning and spinning and spinning. But last night, you would've been so proud of me, I went to bed early. I was officially in bed and asleep by 10pm. And even now I'm in my PJs, drinking my "SleepyTime" tea and watching Parenthood and am ready for bed!

The last 48 hours have, again, been full of smiles and laughter. However, I am quickly coming to the realization that getting Samantha's laughter on video is not as important as actually spending the time with her making her laugh. Sure, it's fun to go back and watch videos of what brought out those giggles...but I think for now I'm going to focus on the special laughter moments. Moments like her laughing at the dog howling, moments like bouncing her on my belly, or remembering her very first laugh! 

Now that is not a moment I got on video, but replays over and over in my mind. Samantha was just over 3 months old and Josh and I were at Kindermusik changing her bum before class began. While Josh was rediapering her, I cleared my throat...and clear as day she laughed! Josh and I both looked at each other in complete shock and I "cleared my throat" again. She laughed again! I was so excited and happy that I got to hear Samantha's first laugh that I ran into the class to announce it to everyone! 

Her laughter comes and her laughter goes. And rather than fuss with a camera, that seems to only draw her attention to it as opposed to continuing to laugh, I'm going to keep doing whatever I'm doing to keep her laughing! Now, if someone else is making her laugh or if I already have the camera on, well then I'm going to try and catch every second of that infectious melody of giggles.

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